In today’s fast-paced world, the convenience of home appliances cannot be overstated. Among these, dishwashers stand out as a pinnacle of modern household efficiency. Imagine finishing dinner and simply placing the dishes in a machine that cleans them for you while you relax. But what happens when that peace is disrupted? Many users have reported instances where their “LG dishwasher won’t turn on.” Such issues can throw a wrench in our daily routines. Fortunately, most of these problems can be pinpointed and resolved with some LG dishwasher troubleshooting steps. Let’s delve into the possible reasons and their solutions.

LG Dishwasher Won’t Turn On

Understanding the Basics

When faced with this problem, it’s essential first to have a basic understanding of the potential causes. Identifying the reason behind the malfunction is the key to an efficient resolution. This not only saves time but also prevents unnecessary expenses on solutions that might not be relevant.

Power Supply Issues

Before jumping to conclusions about major internal defects, start with the basics: the power source.

  • Power outage: A simple power outage could be the culprit. Check if other appliances are working. If not, you should wait for the power to be restored.
  • Tripped circuit breaker: Dishwashers use a significant amount of energy. A power surge or an overload might trip your circuit breaker, cutting off power to the dishwasher. Examine your home’s circuit breaker panel and reset it if necessary.
  • Faulty power outlet: Plug another device into the dishwasher’s power outlet. If that device doesn’t work either, your outlet might be the problem. This will require an electrician’s attention.
  • Power cord damage: Physical damage or wear to the cord can hinder power flow. Inspect the cord for any visible tears or fraying.

Door Latch Malfunctions

Safety always comes first with appliances. Your dishwasher is designed to run only when its door is securely closed.

  • Importance of the door latch: This mechanism ensures water and detergent don’t spill out mid-cycle. A faulty latch can prevent the machine from starting.
  • Checking the latch: Examine it for damages or misalignments. Over time, food particles or detergent residues can obstruct it.
  • Possible solutions: Clean the latch meticulously. If that doesn’t help, consider adjusting or replacing it.

Control Panel or Electronic Issues

The control panel is essentially the brain of your dishwasher.

  • Role of the control panel: It dictates the operations, from washing to drying cycles.
  • Symptoms of a faulty control panel: Unresponsive buttons, odd displays, or random starts and stops are telltale signs.
  • Resetting the control panel: As with many electronics, a simple reset can work wonders. Unplug the dishwasher, wait for a few minutes, and then plug it back in. Some models might have specific button combinations for a hard reset.
  • Seeking professional help: If these steps don’t restore functionality, it’s time to consult a technician. Electronics can be tricky, and professional intervention may be necessary.

Faulty Motor or Pump

With a functioning motor, the dishwasher’s washing capability is valid.

  • Importance of the motor: It powers the spraying arms, ensuring a thorough cleaning.
  • Identifying a motor issue: It might be the motor if you hear a humming noise without any subsequent action. Complete silence could also indicate a problem.
  • Water pump issues: The water pump ejects dirty water. A faulty pump might halt the dishwasher’s operation. Listen for strange noises or check for pooling water at the bottom.
  • Repair or replacement: Depending on the age and wear of your dishwasher, consider repairing or replacing the malfunctioning part.

Malfunctioning Thermal Fuse

Safety mechanisms are in place to protect your dishwasher from internal hazards.

  • Role of the thermal fuse: This fuse prevents the dishwasher from overheating. If the machine gets too hot, the fuse will blow to stop operations.
  • Signs of a blown fuse: A blown fuse typically results in a complete power loss.
  • Checking and replacing the fuse: With the dishwasher unplugged, access the fuse, usually located in the control panel. If it shows signs of damage or fails a multimeter test, it’s time for a replacement.


Regular maintenance and keen observation can keep your dishwasher running optimally for years. Always consult your user manual when in doubt, and don’t hesitate to seek professional advice for complex issues. Appliances might occasionally falter, but they can serve us efficiently for a long time with the right approach.

Additional Tips & Tricks

For a smoother dishwasher experience:

  1. Clean the filter regularly.
  2. Ensure proper loading of dishes.
  3. Use recommended detergent quantities.

Online tutorials and forums can also be treasure troves of information for troubleshooting minor issues. Happy dishwashing!